IMAGE Art Show 2021 is now ONLINE!!!

The East Central Regional Arts Council (ECRAC) is proud to honor the award winners of the 34th annual IMAGE Art Show! It is now open online at
The IMAGE Art Show is an annual event open to any artist residing in Region 7E (the MN counties of Chisago, Kanabec, Isanti, Mille Lacs, and Pine.) The Art Show and the awards honor some of the finest art in the area. The judges for this year’s show were Mary Bruno and Ginger Porcella. They both have a wide range of artistic skills and art show judging experience.
A total of 114 artists from the East Central Minnesota region entered this year’s IMAGE Art Show. People’s Choice & Artists Choice (new this year!) judging is open until August 6, 2021. There will be a gallery showing of the award winning art at the ECRAC Office & Gallery in Hinckley, MN from July 14 through August 6, 2021. It will be open Wednesdays through Fridays from noon to 4 pm each day. Best of Show will chosen from the artwork on display.
Artistic Excellence Award in each along with Artistic Merit Awards, were given and winners, and their county of residence, are as follows:
Awards of Artistic Excellence & County of Residence
Richard Vincent, Chisago, Cathie Hendren, Chisago, Christina Thurston, Mille Lacs, Dustin Wayne, Mille Lacs, Victoria Kosel, Isanti, Jim Larson, Mille Lacs, Claire Fix, Isanti, Barbara Van Dell Robinson, Chisago, Carl D. Long, Kanabec, Terri Huro, Kanabec
Awards of Artistic Merit
Anita Gislason, Kanabec, Robert Olson, Pine, Robert DesJarlait, Mille Lacs, David Spohn, Chisago, Jacque Sabolik, Kanabec, Melissa Strand, Isanti, Gary Carlson, Chisago, MaryAnn Carlson, Chisago, Michelle Malley, Pine, Cynthia Rue, Mille Lacs
THANK YOU to all the artists who participated this
and enjoy the show!
This activity is made possible with funds provided by the McKnight Foundation and thanks to a State of Minnesota legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.